"Wisdom and inspiration: thought provoking, humourous, delightful, guru-like, quirky, energizing, enabling, challenging, alerting, awakening….the way individuals, teams and groups start every day as a Great Day" – The Replies Book

We now offer the wealth and stealth advisory office.


The time is now, now is the time.

Your wealth, our stealth – to both of us good health.

Honest strategy based on actual reality, trying our best for your best.

We are in it together.

Perhaps, forever!

All things being equal.

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Sending sorted waves by the footpath of currents.

Those are the briefings of a brief-worded minister of productive electronic enhancements and proton signaling.

We want to go somewhere else.

Perhaps a walk in the park.

Somewhere good in the day is not always so after dark.

Just for a lark.

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A light green, or perhaps it was blue, cover always signaled a good read.

That was the notebook I wrote in, most days, not everyday. Just when I had something really funny to write.

Like the time the cleric became a scientist and across the street the scientist became a cleric.

Neither was aware of the other’s “moves”.

A sort of dance of dissonance and distortion.

Different, anyway.

I had written I’m

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Dimples and a cropped cut.

They escaped down a dark alley, but we bumped into them later and they seemed genuinely pleased to see us.

The Osoyo Unuyo-Jones family had been friends to our whole family for thirty years, more if you count the time we met them on a trip to Antarctica.

Times change, but this wonderful link, a connection which melted ice caps, ice cream and cubes on sight, was going to be forever!

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Dizzy with smiles and merriment.

That was the way the river looked. Still does .

On occasion, after a storm usually, it would turn brown as if challenging and jostling with our patience.

It always had a sense of humor.

It provided calm when we got too excited, a rock pool where swimming was a bodily elixir.

Somehow it always gave us good advice!

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