"Wisdom and inspiration: thought provoking, humourous, delightful, guru-like, quirky, energizing, enabling, challenging, alerting, awakening….the way individuals, teams and groups start every day as a Great Day" – The Replies Book

Faulty memories.

No, not a comedy series.

The misshapen recollections which aren’t exactly like the real event…just put them in the Stories in Progress pile.

The real, true, one hundred percent accurate memories rarely exist. What happened plus the coloring, shading and trim are more usual. They go in the evidence tray.

Then there is the sheer unabashed joy of remembering….any precious moments at all!

So this is one instance where saying it’s “all good” is, good.

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The top of the tree looked trimmed and flat.

A shelf to store your many possesions.

A place to display art and jewelry.

But how to get it up there was a problem more and more people gathered to overcome.

The solution would be found, but only in part 2.

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Wondering around a drugstore.

Surprising there are no magnifying glasses on every display.

The ingredients of moisturizers, shampoos, soaps, lotions and potions are too numerous to mention and print size on packages too small to (easily ) read!

And what dull copy – lack of stories – about the products from major companies, and what occasionally delightful stories on the small company items.

The story with many major companies seems to be a mystical version of “you’ve seen our name so many times, you better believe this is good stuff!”.

I wonder who cares and if anyone notices.

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The lights shone on every paving stone, but nobody was there to see.

We corrected this by holding a party in The Mews, as it was called.

It amused us, dazed others and caused a bunch of new relationships to start out on a good footing.

Some days are even more productive than others.

And, days like these create the world we think many would kindly, dream about.

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It’s just not there.

Yesterday we thought the mountains were only a little way away, a bit further than we walked at sundown.

Today they’re not there.

When we returned to our favorite picnic spot the lake had gone.

Our visit to the forest was different because the sky was invisible.

The weather, how bright, how sunny, how cloudy, how misty or how clear – changes the world.

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