"Wisdom and inspiration: thought provoking, humourous, delightful, guru-like, quirky, energizing, enabling, challenging, alerting, awakening….the way individuals, teams and groups start every day as a Great Day" – The Replies Book

We validated, and drove away.

The road, winding, curving, swooping, sweeping views and bristling cypress trees along both edges, took us to the villa.

The Villa of No Concern.

A lovely brick and marble creation I designed seven years ago.

It looked like a 200 year old building, in a good way.

A good way? Yes, quality and solidity of materials.

Unlike the “garden-shed” construction, trembly, and not at all soundproof multi-million dollar homes in California. Heaped as they are one, ear-splitting few feet from each other.

So good that good things are still created. A legacy and treasure for future generations.

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Help me trust you, company B.

I like the words, the ideas and the warm thrill of security.

But then, you hand me off to a browser, to click here and there and add all manner of information and it looks awfully risky and non-specific.

So I leave it all for later. A lot later. Perhaps never.

Because the warm thrill of security seems a distant mirage when you hold my feet to the fire of confused hellish uncertainty.

That’s too far to go. And I am a born adventurer!

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In the meantime.

There is bread, a toaster, jam and a mysterious mauve spread.

If we find the coffee everyone will be happy. Then, awake.

Were they asleep before, we would have woken them with a breakfast fit for the gods, but not destined for the gods.

You understand.

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Humming bird wisdom.

A beautiful ocean.

Texture and rhythm.

The sound of ultraviolet and the tone of infrared.

Just a token. Just.

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I confirm, you have the job, when will you start?

We also enjoyed chitchat that was friendly, informative and valuable in a get-to-know-you sort of way.

Now seeing as I employ two million people, actually a little more, I think I have a responsibility to think of them in a creative and caring way. I have three people dedicated to helping me, prodding me, testing me and encouraging better from me – for them all, every day.

It is never enough!

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