"Wisdom and inspiration: thought provoking, humourous, delightful, guru-like, quirky, energizing, enabling, challenging, alerting, awakening….the way individuals, teams and groups start every day as a Great Day" – The Replies Book

Something this way grows brighter.

Under the table feet touched, toes tickled and the attempts not to smile were tangible.

No electronic devices could be seen.

Carrots looked orange.

The mist was swirling.

The menu surprised the most travelled tongues.

We sang in heart and mind, silently.

They wrote the book on measurement.

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Treading water in the high beams of a butterfly set on getting home.

They said we should try.

Visit once at least.

After twenty years we made it.

Flags were flying with our names printed in gold and silver.

People we never met knew our names.

So happy were we, that invitations to stay were most appealing.

Should we stay or should we go now!?

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The sway of light and the return of the chosen piece of chocolate.

We had tried this before.

The flavor has been improved, how we do not know, it is now beyond compare.

Breakfast may be an egg or two, a crumpet, a bowl of crunchie grains, but the special moment at three in the afternoon is like an Olympic gold medal of a treat.

You may not eat chocolate, you’ll have to take our word for it and live vicariously through our smile of tasting the ultimate delight.

Goodbye for now, it’s time to board the transcontinental blue train.

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Sleepy and with an almost hallucinogenic wandering mind, we read a few pages of an economics text book.

Astounding what one gets from things when in a state of mind that normally seems unsuited for the task!

We now have new ideas about economics and human behavior. Although admittedly, that happens every day.

Somewhere in the house-building project nearby there must be a hidden logic, efficiency or an attempt to make work last along time.

It is taking longer to build that house than it would have done 50 years ago.

Perhaps the construction business, when it come to houses is not very innovative.

And, perhaps they should sleep less…

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Flapping in the wind, the sail of the empty yacht might tear if it were left.

We went aboard.

We tied down the guy rope and washed the deck.

The motor started without hesitation.

We tied the vessel to the harbour wall an hour later.

Two months later nobody had claimed the yacht.

By maritime and land-vessel law we were the rightful new owners.

We tried hard to find the original proud yachtsbodies, to no avail.

We waited another six months, just in case.

Seems we own a 20 meter yacht.

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