"Wisdom and inspiration: thought provoking, humourous, delightful, guru-like, quirky, energizing, enabling, challenging, alerting, awakening….the way individuals, teams and groups start every day as a Great Day" – The Replies Book

Too many items in the basket of absurdity.

We know the current popularity of the idea of truth being malleable like putty.

But when it sets, then a crazy idea can become the hard and fast norm.

Some things accepted for centuries turn out to be wrong.

And at the same time some things we have yet to discover will be right.

Intelligence needs a helping hand.

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I see stars swinging from long threads and neural networks available by the kilo.

We are changing by improving.

The next priority is humanity and humane kindness.

This does not preclude competing, winning and establishing.

We can be miraculously good while spectacularly successful.

Come on, let’s try! It can be done.

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Sleepily, waking slowly, reading wisely.

Not a bad way to see and feel the windows available to the day.

Later, donning a chef’s hat, we played cricket.

Probably imitation cricket, for we have no idea how the game really works.

Nobody needs to know how to play the game, yet everyone needs to know how to play!

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Highly rated. It could not be otherwise.

We adhere to the highest standards. No, higher. Much higher.

We are in orbit.

Come and see us sometime.

Your holiday home in the stars awaits.

A stream runs through it.

The trees are blue, green and in between.

We speak our language and we are already learning yours!

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Smoke rising from a twig-lit campfire.

We had erected the tents, gathered firewood, drawn water and diced vegetables.

Things were roasting, we were toasty-warm and telling silly, funny jokes.

Twist the long silk sheet, fix the pans in plain sight.

Rum, reason and promised rain.

We were under no strain.

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