"Wisdom and inspiration: thought provoking, humourous, delightful, guru-like, quirky, energizing, enabling, challenging, alerting, awakening….the way individuals, teams and groups start every day as a Great Day" – The Replies Book

They said it had a kick.

It was not a mule, a drink or a hand-cranked car starter.

We wondered if they knew who they were talking to.

What could the kick be or not be?

Where would it come from and through what?

They seemed to know.

Yet we began to suspect they may have been incorrect.

They had no mule and, we act not be a fool.

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Now we are ready to serve you. What you want, not what we want.

That’s the way it should be, otherwise we have nothing to offer and you should not know us.

Worthwhile, just took on a new meaning…it is the original meaning!

A teak deck, a copper counter, a silk wall-lining.

We are the best, you are the best.

The best is best.

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Where did it go?

There was text, twenty pages of it.

Poof! Dissapeared.

Good thing is we can still think, write and invent.

Yesterday’s lost booty can become tomorrow’s masterpiece in waiting.

Then there were four.

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Maybe later, I’ll call you, soon, well…I’ll try.

What’s goin’ on?

Firm decisions equate to more fun, and just well, more.

Meanwhile find a parking meter and meditate while playing salsa and eating a healthy energy bar.

After that buy a few banks, redefine management for the next era and take no aspirin before driving through the sound barrier.

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Really Awsome Delivery was the name of one of Roger Ellman’s Active Business Mantras.

Now he is dealing with things on a more universal, spiritual and future-benefitting basis.

It’s all about delight and motive and motivation, but it adds millions to the Daily bottom line of any business.

So perhaps you should seek him out. He promises no long reports, all-out inspiration and empathetic dynamism.

This, is What The World Needs.


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