Business, romance, crypto and the terrace with a sea view.
If the package is good enough.
If the people enrich each other emotionally and intellectually.
What then?
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daily inspiration - by Roger Ellman
Business, romance, crypto and the terrace with a sea view.
If the package is good enough.
If the people enrich each other emotionally and intellectually.
What then?
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High hopes and hard work.
A little relaxation.
Clarity and original recipes.
If it’s new to you, it’s new to us.
Glorious listings of a thousand tones.
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Word of the day.
Choose in a caring way.
Beyond vermillion horizons.
Friends of love and humour.
Drums quietly play with the wind.
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Dancing on deck.
Then dinner in the sprawling dining room.
Almost as big a variety as at the ITC.
Such friendly people – guests and employees both.
Small cars took us through the chaotic streets.
And yet, even the cars, donkeys and pedestrians appeared to dance.
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Prosaic posing in a posy of beautiful fresh flowers.
Then, it gets interesting.
First, learning a language is harder after the age of 101 than at 10.
Secondly, we have signed in all three places.
Can we go now?
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