"Wisdom and inspiration: thought provoking, humourous, delightful, guru-like, quirky, energizing, enabling, challenging, alerting, awakening….the way individuals, teams and groups start every day as a Great Day" – The Replies Book

Flavors and bright moonlight.

On a sunny day in December we could see the ski trail from start to finish.

On the third lift trip to the top we glided down to the cafe.

In conversation with two fellow skiers we discovered five realms of expert knowledge ranging from wood turning to neuro-physics and quantum theory.

All three of us preferred espresso.

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Admirably acceptable advantages.

Because you met someone.

Yesterday, years ago, today – doesn’t matter.

Smiles and comfortable understanding.

Once in a while the usual categorized considerations revert to relative irrelevance.

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We are happy and I do not know how many times I’ve said this.

We wish we knew how to make other people happy.

You can ask us how we manage it, but it may or may not work for you.

If we meet, we will think of ways we can suggest which we are convinced will help you too.

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It was a quick sketch.

Sold for millions at auction later that year.

The ocean water was inky blue, tepid to the touch and calm as a plexiglass-preserved thimble.

Ground finely, the cinnamon created an elixir when added to our favorite blends.

Seething with cause.

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A glass of water.

Then, we were ready to assess where we had got to.

It had been a long, thirsty walk.

Tremendously beautiful views.

We were the first to sit out on the mountain-side perched terrace that year.

Summer was ready to introduce itself.

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