"Wisdom and inspiration: thought provoking, humourous, delightful, guru-like, quirky, energizing, enabling, challenging, alerting, awakening….the way individuals, teams and groups start every day as a Great Day" – The Replies Book

Dreamed of a spigot donating blue vapour to the room.

There wasn’t a filing cabinet to be seen; vanished in a puff of digital smoke.

Crunchy cookies were served every day. Chocolate and raspberry, cinnamon and apple. And so many more.

Sign inside the box. It’s so tempting to sprawl outside it.

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On the table was a peach and a bunch of red grapes.

By the garage was a wheel without a tyre.

In the greenhouse two tomatoes excelled in their redness.

We walked and talked.

Thoughts arrived on an airborne conveyor belt.

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In a vast sea.

An old smoothed and assaulted log drifts and then tosses and turns towards its destination.

Finding it makes us wonder where it started this journey.

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They asked me not to divulge the type of coffee they had ordered.

But, I saw them, heard them order a cherry-filled croissant .

Do they expect me to keep this secret for life?

My life or theirs!?

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Dripping with undiluted wisdom .

We told a joke.

Unintentionally funny – because they all laughed.

We said there was a danger of truth and inspiration.

Who doesn’t want to change the world at the age of eighteen?

If not, why not?

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