"Wisdom and inspiration: thought provoking, humourous, delightful, guru-like, quirky, energizing, enabling, challenging, alerting, awakening….the way individuals, teams and groups start every day as a Great Day" – The Replies Book

Don’t be silly

There’s a melted piece of chocolate under your chin.

The hills are a moving feast of wheat, goats and sheep.

We found ways of mixing materials to create a surreal, or perhaps it was real, life cocktail.

One day burrows into another subtly and invisibly, like silk falling off a shelf.

They never stop to worry about the government.

We feel silky and we feel tough at the same time.

Surely…everyone does!

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The noise was…intrusive.

Yes, we used every “techique” to virtually ignore this and turn it from an anoyance to a treat, or at least into a neutral event.

Smell is rarely painful…yes I know that one is obnoxious!

Appalling sights are mostly bearable and can pass the leave it behind – forget-about-it test.

So what do we want to quiet and calm?

Our list: noisy motorcycles, leafblowers, roarty “i’m super tough” exhaust tones (usually on super ordinary cars!), people shrieking on mobile phone calls in otherwise cool and collected settings.

What’s your list?

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The hills folded until they disappeared from view.

One grape too many and the wine will sell too much.

We have carrots, we pick corn, we cut lettuce and we pluck radishes.

What more can a young one do?

Learn baby, learn.

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With a name like that.

Twice they said and it turned into five times.

Once more into the circus of ideas, opinions and pevertion of logic.

Car salespeople used to have a bad name.

Now it’s true believers.

We want to have tea and sandwiches.

We want you to have the scones with brandy snaps.

And we really want to enjoy your stories.

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A label on an apple.

The apple was made in Brazil, eaten in Chile and recorded in Senegal.

Multiple sources for a simple action.

It makes sense as we prefer beach holidays in New York and city tours in Telluride.

So sorry to send you all over the map.

We think you will learn from this wide focus and soft breeze.

Rinse well.

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