"Wisdom and inspiration: thought provoking, humourous, delightful, guru-like, quirky, energizing, enabling, challenging, alerting, awakening….the way individuals, teams and groups start every day as a Great Day" – The Replies Book

Don’t relax too much or you might fall in the lake.

The vegetarian option is always best when new meat is available.All the rock Chrissie is a waste of human life.Discuss.You know I’m right!!!I speak for me, I speak for you, I speak for them

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With tritium lining their pockets they moved forwards planet by planet.

We’re not here to explain the benefits of such methods, just to observe, cry or laugh, ask or explain, and do the same things again but better.

As the old woman said to the old woman, don’t ask for anything and I will definitely not give it to you.

It’s a tall order.

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We didn’t say hello.

Never worth missing, always worth doing and every time a smile-inducer.

If that movement of the lips, brightening of the eyes and general twinkle of recognition does not occur then remember, louder or brighter next time.

To every positive action there is a positive reaction.

Even if you don’t see it.


Every time.

And the ripples continue to be measured.

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Crumbs of sheer ultra violet light packed in foamed milk.

Not sure if this is strange, a strange dream or a ball of confusion.

Some might say it’s disgusting or deranged, but we’re merely passing some time while the paint dries.

And that is allowed we think.

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The metal sheets were simply too inflexible.

Comfort can out-sway strength sometimes.

This was one of those times.

We are sure the sheets will last well.

We are not sure the quality of sleep will allow their use to last so well.

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