"Wisdom and inspiration: thought provoking, humourous, delightful, guru-like, quirky, energizing, enabling, challenging, alerting, awakening….the way individuals, teams and groups start every day as a Great Day" – The Replies Book

In praise of tall trees.

We can think of nothing special enough to say about this.

Neck-straining treetops and unfathomable trunks.

We could go swimming instead.

Or remain preoccupied with bed.

Read a book, build a sled.

Rumbling and stumbling to a distant whistle of wind trying to find its way around those tall…

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Yes to all options, all colors and all sizes.

That’s the people selector at work.

A mountain spoke and an ant gave permisssion.

Two days ago a princess became a WalMart “greeter”.

Last week we sent a gift box of gift boxes to all presidents.

Next week we plan to travel in a glass-domed twenty horsepower water-powered dual-motor car.

Beyond that, we are delighted by the idea, the feel of, infinite possibilities.

We explore.

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Send things in one package.

This is about conversation rather than boxes and padded envelopes.

Things are connected, subjects are not hermetically sealed from each other.

Oh, yes, it’s also about thinking.

Siloed concepts do not have a natural wall between them and the next one, only an artificial one.

It may be useful to hold a patient’s arm steady when placing a bandage, but it’s not necessary to lock down the whole body.

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Sounds. Tone and feel.

John Lee Hooker at breakfast – Hey, Hey Hey.

Carly Simon at Brunch – what else but so vain.

Sly and the Family at teatime – it is really a family affair.

Berlin before supper – well, I better not say.

Carlos Santana pre-slumber – magic.

And finally Andreas Wollenweider as we skate towards sleep, dreamy, slow and soft rainbow ridden.

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It may amaze anyone that some of the most stupid/corrupt/inept wastrels run some major organizations.

The federal reserve in the USA, the plethora of organizations that keep parts of the machines that limp along almost-enabling a (many of them) country to offer various services or disservices, all perform so far below the top innovators, creators and superior minds of the world.

Why do we let this slide?

How could we change it around so that the best, the wisest, the most impressively capable are really tempted to take on these roles.

We can stop worshipping ridiculous idols, we can boost and promote the best.

We can…maybe, we will!?

And what else?

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