"Wisdom and inspiration: thought provoking, humourous, delightful, guru-like, quirky, energizing, enabling, challenging, alerting, awakening….the way individuals, teams and groups start every day as a Great Day" – The Replies Book

We add some ingredients, seasoning, tone of voice or expression in mention.

Today is the day we institute a new policy.

We try in cooking, cleaning, driving, writing and even in thinking, to look at the Other.

What is this strange thing lurking in the corner of the room?

A fun-loving intellect of mammoth proportions.

We are choosing that as a goal and think one way of getting closer is to look for empirical proof in all the cupboards of life whose doors we don’t generally open.

A little bit of effort here, we think, will pay off handsomely.

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We appreciate all, well most, of the help we can get.

We love helping.

To deliver knowledge or ideas that help the progress of good and productive, benefical ideas and plans – a delight.

A reward.

What do you need, how can we help, what’s the plan (let’s see what we know that’ll help you).

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Uncertainties, possibilities and wishful thinking and grated cheese.

Ignoring uncertainties is essential day to day unless you are Nassim Nicholas Taleb (see his books!). If you tried to figure out all the possibilites you would see some, many uncertainties.

Without confirmation, short of data, with a dream of things you want…wishful. We do it a lot.

Grated cheese combines uncertainty (what type of cheese it was before the great grate is sometimes a mystery); possibilities – it could taste good and be cheesy; we wish in a full way for it to do the job as it melts onto a poached egg landed atop some truly grainy whole-seeded bread.

Ok….we’re home!


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Let’s recycle that before you buy it so you don’t have to.

The new system (cruelty).

Pre-recycled items.

How that would work is anyone’s guess and I think this sounds more like an April Fool’s joke.

But doesn’t so much around the place seem like it was instituted on April First!

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There were sons and there were daughters.

They all knew.

All in the family, you know.

Was it good or bad?

We will know one day, years from now.

For now we will deal with them as best we can.

And, making it better, giving points on the plus side, some of them made us laugh.

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