"Wisdom and inspiration: thought provoking, humourous, delightful, guru-like, quirky, energizing, enabling, challenging, alerting, awakening….the way individuals, teams and groups start every day as a Great Day" – The Replies Book

Stay in your lane, but only when driving.

From pasta, to polite and truly friendly acknowledgements.

Life on this planet…in need of development and tutoring.

Keep at it, keep going.

Another work in progress!

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All-in on dustbins.



We will see.

How do we recycle the comments of our extreme youth and create the subtle impact we desire?

Not to reinvent the past.

Yet, to learn its almost-secret lessons.

And considering the dustbins again, what do we need to throw away?

We think listening to Funkadelic followed by Chopin might just provide all the answers.

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Why the use of color in painting and design is so valuable…

Just see the paintings of Maxfield Parish…astounding colors!

Matisse, Pisarro, Roger Dean, Roger Ellman and many more!

How cheerful the world is hued when brilliance & brightness and the fine vivacious energy of brightness is used in art!

And clothes, how welcome to visit lands or communities where people wear something other than funereal black, basement-cleaning brown or down low and miserable grey!

Choose a color a day for a week and see how much better you feel.

And for this course…no fee, no classes or lessons…just bright goodness. Wear it and create it yourself!


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Beginners and benevolent jest.

Later, we worry about saying the wrong thing, causing offence or igniting rage.

Before – the self conscious sabotage – we fluidly and fluently express everything that comes to mind without upset.

Would less preparation, perspiration and soul-searching be a good thing?

Oh what an over-seasoned subject.

All that and we try to avoid salty foods.

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Packing plastic bags and sipping a bold flavored soup.

It’s something that happens on the cusp.

Before the event.

After the planning.

During the execution of the plan.

Getting ready, seeing progress towards the intended result, yet much still to be done.

You know. You know. You know.

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