"Wisdom and inspiration: thought provoking, humourous, delightful, guru-like, quirky, energizing, enabling, challenging, alerting, awakening….the way individuals, teams and groups start every day as a Great Day" – The Replies Book

A moment of confusion soon erased by astounding clarity.

Even with little sleep and lots to do, there is a moment where we have all the answers.

That’s the way to play it.


What did I say there when the apples were crisp and the apricots delicious and tender?

Let me think…

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The system chose, we just modified.

The room had a magnificent view, a fine color scheme and two entrances.

Had we accepted what we were first given, then, no view, awfully dull and boasting a thoroughly enjoyable view of a garage entrance.

There is no match for conversation.

We also made a friend of the woman at the front desk, Carla, who was so helpful the moment we asked.

Please say hello when you see her.

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We never laughed as much in one weekend as with that guy.

An unlikely pair, we both dressed in tribal robes, yet he was the one we thought had a tribe and perhaps we did not.

The things we found funny had never been invented before. Of that we were sure.

We annoyed the world with our laughter, until it laughed with us, at us, beside us.

Goodbye my friend.

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Mountains of check books and the danger they created.

Literally mountains, ten feet high.

All that paper is heavy.

One puff of wind and the whole thing would fall like a heavy house of cards.

We do not know who created this.

We’ll try to find out.

Our new line of work, financial detective.

Or comedian perhaps.

Both need practice.

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Seems fair.

If the laughter is loud and heartfelt then we have done our job.

People tell us we shouldn’t even call it a job.

Who cares?

We laugh, they laugh and we all feel better.

Fat banking baby!

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