"Wisdom and inspiration: thought provoking, humourous, delightful, guru-like, quirky, energizing, enabling, challenging, alerting, awakening….the way individuals, teams and groups start every day as a Great Day" – The Replies Book

The closer it gets to April first, the more fevered the ideas for the day.

We have to write something symphonic, epicly proportioned and original.

Believable yet slightly puzzling.

That is the missive for April first!

Ridiculous. Yes. It’s meant to be.

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Was it a song or a groan?

Someone sitting upon the toilet?

It turned out it was just a politician having a meeting with voters and supporters.

What a waste of time.

We’ll remember to do something much funnier, or more helpful, or something with meaning, next time.

That’s the limited thinking for unlimited people for today.

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Absentee landlords and the ballod of fiddling further.

Why be present if you can be passed?

If you pass go will there be a reward?

How high is the average building in Montevideo?

Were the 23 people having lunch at Venezuela airport friends or stranded travelers?

Try new types of coffee and familiar pieces of chocolate.

Now, it all makes sense.

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Trending red, white and blue fountain pens and the words they will mark.


The final story.

To say what has never been said before.

To drive the ideas into the minds of change and revelation.

Discovery and adventure.

Romance and philosophy.

On paper.

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A distant view and a popular one.

The tail end of supplies, ideas and leaf blowers competing with expertly bowed violins.

We saw the color scheme, the tone of voice and the generous tips.

We elbowed our way to the front.

Softly padded elbows…of course!

We look for many connected pieces of peace.

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