"Wisdom and inspiration: thought provoking, humourous, delightful, guru-like, quirky, energizing, enabling, challenging, alerting, awakening….the way individuals, teams and groups start every day as a Great Day" – The Replies Book

Crunchy. Cautious. Bold.

Good heading for the article about food, a film, a set of winter tyres, or the one about a woman who accepts the challenge and becomes a super hero (that, not a Superhero).

This has not as you can see, been thoroughly fleshed out.

A work in progress.

For example is she “normal”, “ordinary” or “pre super hero”.

Is the food home-cooked, or the meal the bandit eats in a gleaming chrome-filled restaurant as he orders the job to be done.

Is there a car chase?

Lots to decide..

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Equally balanced and rocking like a cradle in a tempest.

Boiling milk suddenly froths, rises and spills if allowed to go its own way.

The sound of roof tiles sitting on the roof is normally nothing. Unnoticeable.

But then….

Then things change, as they do!

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The longest river was not the best.

The others, shorter and more twisting and contorted in their routes, more varied in the flora and fauna that made a home in these short branches, were always found more valuable by both settlers and explorers.

When it came to lakes all were confused, they seemed imposters in comparison, hardly communicating with anything else, unlike the grandiose plans of rivers running towards seas and oceans.

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The evening news as opposed to the inspiring fireside tales we tell.

Facts or said to be facts, are delivered from strange sources or good ones, we don’t always find it easy to tell the difference.

Intelligence allows one to question and take apart the reasons or lack of them, for this series of statements and thin explanations.

When the logs glow and we stare at the flicker of feeling, we can make questions good and answers better.

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The sound of runnng water but not a dripping tap.

Both are similar, almost.

Soothing versus vexing.

And then there were three.

All bears are not the same.

I feel it.

Tonight we are grizzlingly in tune.

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