"Wisdom and inspiration: thought provoking, humourous, delightful, guru-like, quirky, energizing, enabling, challenging, alerting, awakening….the way individuals, teams and groups start every day as a Great Day" – The Replies Book

We logged in, took off our shoes and took a sip of hibiscus tea.

Then a cognac with a tiny square of 90% cacao chocolate.

The crowd roared with approval.

We choose to think it was approval.

Even if they didn’t approve, we did.

The windvane span like a ferris wheel on turbo setting.

Three wise owls promised to consider everything.

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Twisted rice and platinum platters.

Upside and downside nowhere near upside down.

No political party ever got far on seemingly good images, halos and sane plain speaking.

So far.

It could change.

Most things don’t change.

Anything can.

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East, west and in between.

A tambourine twisted the night’s sentences and brought thought and chromatic images.

No black and white movie, no show, no lecture.

Self-taught and proud, desired by the crowd.

Right , wrong or guessing the unknown.

Sending soft kisses and subject headings to the world.

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By a lake, under the fountain with snow on the shore, did you remember the snacks?

And so it began.

Good things and silly things.

Then better, beyond and best.

Building blocks begetting beauty and bountiful benefits.

We all enjoy this and it only gets better.

Not for sale, available for all.

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Slippery when wet.

Bright red fabric.

A trend, yet oh so private, prudent and vivid.

Smiling posters and secret billboards.

Take a deep breath and do your best.

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