"Wisdom and inspiration: thought provoking, humourous, delightful, guru-like, quirky, energizing, enabling, challenging, alerting, awakening….the way individuals, teams and groups start every day as a Great Day" – The Replies Book

The pen was lying across a lined notepad.

It was the old type. Why they called a it a “fountain” pen I do not know.

I don’t want to look up the name and its origin as it may take away from the romantic notion of a pen that can be refilled at will from a bottle of ink.

Another page of fine prose, better than this, can start and the action with pen and ink will be repeated.

The continuity, the reliable habit at the mercy of the pen, is at times comforting.

This is in a time of chaos. A time nobody admits is strange. But I know it is.

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The sizzling sunset that night turned into a sauteed sunrise the next day.

Surf was just right for my liking and the boards behaved bravely.

Out further, the four deck yacht displayed largely, and some completely naked, bodies to the sympathetic dolphins.

The intensity of reflections from simmering morning sun through upright sky-burning lighting made everything seem new and full of promise.

A promise one could keep.

There should be no others.

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We created Really Awesome Delivery (R.A.D.) a few years ago.

It still works.

It is what it says.

Everyone can do it.

Or, take the course!

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Drab neon and fluorescent subtleties greet the visitor.

We are all visitors some say.

Even living in a house originally built by a great grandfather does not mean you have set root in a place.

No, that takes centuries.

So longevity needs to grow by leaps and bounds to enable one family to be a fixture.

And this could be a good thing.

Consider a slow ponder – followed by doing something else!

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The notebook cover showed images of a town surounded by hills.

There was no snow and yet the mountains had a whitish sheen, a sort of assumed alabaster.

Smoke spiralled from many of the chimneys of the houses, the pottery and the blacksmith.

A big sign shouted “Bank of Sideways – Loans you never regret”.

A gate secured the only road in.

A tavern and a string discotheque (acoustic only) seemed the only places where sounds of life being lived seeped beyond their walls into the street.

Notably, everyone smiled, even at strangers.

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