"Wisdom and inspiration: thought provoking, humourous, delightful, guru-like, quirky, energizing, enabling, challenging, alerting, awakening….the way individuals, teams and groups start every day as a Great Day" – The Replies Book

It was a long time ago, some said 100 years or more.

The author was walking from one village to another when she met a dog.

The dog stayed with her and deterred two thieves, an attacker and a conman.

She did not know how many times the dog saved here from bad events.

The dog remained a friend and guardian for many years, outliving her by a few.

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At the bank the manager was dancing with her tellers and the customers were playing the latest high interest rate hits.

The bagel shop next door was complaining that their customers were no longer lingering.

After a while the baglers were consoled by the concept of having a good neighbor and designed promotional offers for customers who were about to do some fat banking, and perhaps some dancing.

On the opposite side of this surprisingly traffic-less street, was a stationery shop of the old type; they were either out of stock of things or had too many of an item.

We might need inventory control of the soul.

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Then there will be no need for an extra suitcase.

Thin out the stuff and nonsense, then there’ll be less to deal with and less to talk about.

Or Keep it all and let it pile up.

Neither a horder nor a disposer, we say.

If it’ll look like a sparkle, create a smile, cause ten minutes of happy trembles, frame it, shelve it, chest it, keep it.

The rest…out the door it goes.

Simple to be simpler it seems.

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MyCoin or YourCoin or, TheirCoin.

Soon we will know the outcome, you will understand and I will dominate the Coin field!

We’d just like to say UpCoin, DownCoin, SlowCoin and SeeYaCoin.

New things can confuse.

Sometimes they matter and will become as common as Post Office outlets (well there are still a few).

Other times they rise, glow brightly, then go puff and fizzle out.

But I think you’ll agree most coins don’t fizzle!

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I’d like to teach the world to sing.

A fine idea.

First I must learn to sing, the current output is closer to a moan.

And if everyone felt capable of singing – in fact everyone can – we would have a new tone of communication and endless creative couplings.

So many songs to learn, so many to write, so many to enjoy performing.

It’s not only true of singing.

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