"Wisdom and inspiration: thought provoking, humourous, delightful, guru-like, quirky, energizing, enabling, challenging, alerting, awakening….the way individuals, teams and groups start every day as a Great Day" – The Replies Book

When you need help.

There is always somewhere to get it.

The key – and it’s known that it may not be easy – is to get on and ask.

We are lucky that way.

So I hope I will help when I see a chance to do so.

Hope you will too.

And note, the communication that goes with helping is the best.

Reality appetizers.

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Standing in line (known as a queue in Britain) for the sake of it.

Could be a new sport. Not one yet considered worthy to present in the Olympics.

For no good or bad reason.

Better to time it so that the only others out and about are there for another reason…if you see what I mean.

But we are not good at four-in-the-morning vigils, six or seven is early enough for us.

Let us find a unique bar, a real cafe, or just walk along the rivers’ edge and admire the design of railings, stancheons and beams. The scattered semblance of a city or way outside its limits, the shadows of non-matching trees.

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They knew the berries were ripe.

With cream and fresh strawberries, philosophy, geopolitics and a lavish sprinkling of vocabulary, there was little chance of going home alone.

Night after night the chairs remained unused. The bed was the only location recognized.

Sometimes in all honesty it was the kitchen table.

Then there was the government.

Some things are fit to be ignored for as long as possible.

Good thing the door was closed and locked.

All pleasure and leisure without history or vote.

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Those wonderful conversations with the volleys and bright banter of beingness.

Then, there were the moments when the wind howled out conversation – nothingness.

Times when the sun was setting beautifully and stunning us – momentousness.

Other epic brilliant broadcasts of better beginnings – ideas.

And most of these we remember like a titanium picture – never to fade.

Many splendid others too!

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Sandy said to go ahead to Mandy.

We were about to sail down the coast from the port of the north, to the port in the middle.

We had no experience on the water.

It was hilarious.

Fortunately due to Dan the skipper, it was safe.

We arrived as the sun set.

Our mast was the tallest in the harbour.

That fact got us fast access to the front of the line at “Scupper and Sway”, the best nightclub at the marina.

We also learnt a little bit about sailing.

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