"Wisdom and inspiration: thought provoking, humourous, delightful, guru-like, quirky, energizing, enabling, challenging, alerting, awakening….the way individuals, teams and groups start every day as a Great Day" – The Replies Book

Chosen to fight, flirt and fit into all clothes.

That’s the ideal candidadte for the job we can’t even describe well ourselves.

The need for editorial discretion – whatever that can be – is obvious, we think.

Working from just before sunrise until just after sunset, with three hours for lunch.

Alcohol, sedatives and senta tea are not appreciated.

So how can it get more difficult?

We wondered that too.

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Wonderful side-effects and the slippery phases of the moon.

Time for a change of heart.

The delayed flight led to a shared luncheon with all passengers and firm friendships.

Laughter was, well full of endless hilariousness…enjoyed.

What a way to discover a new continent!

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Undiscovered subjects

The wonder of the new.

A field of study we never heard before.

How great the prospects, how intriguing the methods.

We could never stop learning.

No such thing as a boring subject.

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The story of the red felt pen and the blue felt pen meeting the green felt pen in a bar, is famous.

Now….it is. In case you hadn’t heard!

The question was always which one happend to tell the most interesting story.

And why would anyone care, when surely they’d wonder whether even the best story was good or important or valuable?

The Three Felt Pens, perhaps a film title, or a book or merely a fling of fancy of one moment.

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In the garden by the waterfall.

There is music, babies singing and plants keeping green shoots alive.

Talking of western movies, lullabies and roast beans.

We are all chefs, all painters and all carpenters.

One Rolls Royce, one Ferrari and a horse and carriage.

When the water splashes it confuses itself, pleasingly.

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