"Wisdom and inspiration: thought provoking, humourous, delightful, guru-like, quirky, energizing, enabling, challenging, alerting, awakening….the way individuals, teams and groups start every day as a Great Day" – The Replies Book

We got there, slowly, floating on a small piece of wood.

The sky threatened, then encouraged and then became our friend,

If you keep turning right you may get tired. Turning left, it’s not better.

Like to say how much we enjoyed your company.

Friends and really good acquaintances….different but valued.

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Reciprocate with gusto.

I’d like to be the first in one thing…

Maybe more than one…

But, for now it’s doing something wonderful for fun, long before and without expecting reciprocation.

It’s the good form of “selfishness”. After all it’s for fun!

Hope so!

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Twirling batons and silk drapes.

The invitation had arrived without a stamp.

Whether it was delivered by hand, personally, or carried along with fliers offering horrible velvet sofas, we may never know.

The entrance was bigger than our first house. The house was bigger than the local multiplex.

And, there was a private 40 seat cinema, an indoor olympic-size pool and an old English sheepdog.

The dog seemed to be the wisest being there. Oh, but yes, the owner was gentle, sage, imaginative and funny.

We liked the funny part. And the closing ceremony…where twirling was performed as a fine art and the dog barked.

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Squeeze the tube.

I find toothpaste is not a subject most jump into.

And the more exciting tube for me is one containing acrylic paint.

How much effort to put into getting the last drop by squeezing and flattening may be a result of mood and of course, personality.

Or comedy!

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The tidy rows of rice.

Many things running in a straight line seem like a sign of success.

I am delighted when I plant something and it grows and remains in a cheerful state for more than a few weeks.

And yet, one day I might become, in a sense, a farmer.

I used to grow radishes when I was ten years old.

Well…that’s a good start!

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