"Wisdom and inspiration: thought provoking, humourous, delightful, guru-like, quirky, energizing, enabling, challenging, alerting, awakening….the way individuals, teams and groups start every day as a Great Day" – The Replies Book

The river curved.

The road did not.

We were walking around like a primitive robot without its Nvidia chip.

The sauce is sometimes…everything.

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We love the way you look.

From the smile, the frown, the eyes of acknowledgment- to the clothes that cheer us all even in the shabbiest days.


We need you.

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The reeds are taller than the cement you pour.

Pause and reflect upon what you really want, an office tower or a cabin floating upon a bubbly lake.

Carrot and hurled twig.

A cigar of a moment.

The dust is gone.

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Walking through the narrow, unevenly paved streets of the city, we felt a crinkling feeling of the history of the place.

In the future, others will love to find out we trod this path.

We hope they’ll look under the shiny stone by the big drain, that’s where we left a note.

There may be better ways of getting published.

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The answer most requested on urban music radio stations.

Or not.

Sautéed in the freshest olive oil.

Let it cool.

Enjoy the fruits of your labor.

Use a ruler.

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