"Wisdom and inspiration: thought provoking, humourous, delightful, guru-like, quirky, energizing, enabling, challenging, alerting, awakening….the way individuals, teams and groups start every day as a Great Day" – The Replies Book

The fog was so thick we couldn’t see the plate of smoked vegetables and fish set down in front of us.

We couldn’t even see the table.

We lifted the fork, invisible, all fog – no substance.

Stange feelings arose. If nothing was visible, did it exist….we could see the fog.

Casual attire was fine.

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Then there was surfing and expert tasting.

They all gave written consent, there were many tunnels on that road.

Signs warned of bears, and in this part of the world they were frequent visitors. They seemed to like the glistening highway.

Pausing the journey at the roadside service centres was a delight. Small tasty bites and warm smiles were always available.

A new land, and many other discoveries

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We placed some high profile vegetables in a small room.

Later we talked with a few presidents, a teacher, an entrepreneur ( that’s a pretty big label !), and a holistic doctor.

We received a set of first class tickets to a distant destination.

They were one way, no return.

Now, after all this, we decided not to give advice.

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We can just seen the rocky mountain view’s through the trees.

The storm before the calm, the mysteries before the clear view.

Uphill, so we relax better at the top.

How we know, how we choose, how we win a millimeter at any time.

Improving everything with a moment’s attention.


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Certainty and a side order of open minded inventiveness.

Is that how the west trod on new lands, the peace can be made and we all feel good again?

It’s not that certainty is bad, or good.

It’s not that invention is good, or bad.

The sun sets and rises.

A tree sways and returns to rest.

All of it can change and all of it can be splendid.

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