"Wisdom and inspiration: thought provoking, humourous, delightful, guru-like, quirky, energizing, enabling, challenging, alerting, awakening….the way individuals, teams and groups start every day as a Great Day" – The Replies Book

Light weight and bright light.

All the things we wanted were contained in one suitcase, except for our very own selves.

More to the point is that things could be easily carried, but we were a wholesome being even without the smallest amount of luggage.

It makes us ponder, wonder, and exclaim “what is going on here!?”

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Just a matter of time.

And so it improves.

We never realized the wheel would be so good.

Pet rocks, were not so much help.

Looking, listening, smelling, tasting, for the next wonder.

It’s more than a little exciting that we will create it!

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Children of the world, see it how it is.

Matter of fact, clear, obvious…if this then… that.

If we remained – bear with me – children, there would be no bureaucracies.

Reliable electricity supplies might be an unrealized and even undreamed, dream.

So, a balanced combination of the naive If you Want it Have it and if it Makes Sense Do it, and the occasional strategy, plan and grind, seems still to be a distant goal. Balanced.

Let’s just hope it is a goal!

If not, get it on the order book. In short order.

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Digital dungarees and the perfect fish.

Wary of wearing it wrong, we fitted the hook, line and sinker.

Conversation, or silence, is more important than the catch.

Until you land a ten-pounder.

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A word of the moment.

What We’d like to know is what is transitory and what is here to stay.

It’s a song and a dance, a show, perhaps a lie.

Plenty of that about in the year 2021, when this was written.

The world is on the cusp of turning so many wonderful and life-changing-for-the-better discoveries and inventions into a regularly available norm.

The humanity of people and the human psyche appears not to have advanced so much.

Time to add fuel to the latter and let it soar, let it cruise forwards toward what is really possible.

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