"Wisdom and inspiration: thought provoking, humourous, delightful, guru-like, quirky, energizing, enabling, challenging, alerting, awakening….the way individuals, teams and groups start every day as a Great Day" – The Replies Book

News today, insignificant tomorrow.

The first time you see a yellow car it stands out, until you buy one.

Then you notice every other yellow car (yes, there are some!).

After a while you return to the normal typical and previous state of alert.

There is a light brilliant blue metallic object ahead, and it looks….special.

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Don’t dilly-dally they said.

Who would?

The time is now isn’t it?

But when you can sit on the deck of your cabin watching the occasional fly-ripple on the lake, sipping coffee until it cools to lake temperature, who wants to do anything but dally?

But when you are on Main street Big City, a bit of quick footwork, alert awareness and swish and dash, that seems a better fit.

Whatever – don’t think about it too much.

Remedy: Just make sure to avoid wearing black clothes which are at best depressing, funereal, sinister or dull.

Then, all will be better.

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Build it and they will paint it.

We tried painting a building that had not yet been cosntructed.

We used a lot of paint to no effect, just a puddle of Jackson Pollock-like dimensions and tensions.

It would be enjoyable to decorate first and form afterwards.

Think how good it would be to see the completed thing in situ, before it exists!

AR allows this, but it’s not the same as the feel of standing in the fresh breeze outdoors and seeing how well your architectural prize slots in.

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Sift and sip slowly.

At high speed the amount of concentration needed is the same as at a slow amble, it just needs more focus, less interruption and laser-sharp attention.


Well think of it kindly and with some time to spare.

Just like the other good things that came in the day’s news.

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The mirror and the staircase.

Silently and with great beauty.

Everyone or perhaps anyone, could see.

A glittering sunlight of late afternoon and a reflection.

A small white boat on the horizon.

A bag of rice and two plates of salmon pate.

Turn again and re-appraise.

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