"Wisdom and inspiration: thought provoking, humourous, delightful, guru-like, quirky, energizing, enabling, challenging, alerting, awakening….the way individuals, teams and groups start every day as a Great Day" – The Replies Book

Many standard settings are simply bad.

Improving the beauty of stunning occasions, they climbed a hill, traversed a river that ran rough and tough, and pitched camp under large-leaved trees.

Scanning the horizon which was rather close as the trees blocked any distant view, they saw the words pile up like a storage problem solved.

Two pizzas, a moment’s pause and an envelope later, the skies appeared in a vermillion poise.

There are still new lands and new views, we discover.

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Top of the morning, middle of the afternoon.

A good start can be got and held whether at the beginning or…um…a little late.

Daylight, some days of questionable brilliance as clouds conceal the source of light and other days scintillating and dazzling, promotes action and new thinking.

New thinking?

The possibility of the new or a change in routine, worth trying as you can always reset everything to the so-far standard layout.

Over there we see three people who have just met and perhaps they’ll still be in contact later.

Beyond all of this is an imagined glory, a place to learn rather than be taught.


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Reflecting on the glistening of light and reflections and refraction.

So much bounce.

So many unending subjects and new discoveries.

All in the rippling power of the ocean from the edge, the sand, the beach, the land.

At far left, distant it seems, a ship crawls along like a weed growing.

Ahead are the flowers and frolicking speedboats the size of mansions.

A dolphin looks up briefly, then decides it’s time to look for a quieter place.

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Soon the total will be enormous.

Numbers. Games. Kind consideration.

The only conversations that get remembered are in person, one to one.

The others are like school lessons with a moderate teacher – you know what was said but rarely think of it.

Delighted to meet you and know that I will always remember the words we chose, we exchanged, we shared.

You are lucky, so am I.

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It took all day to have one coffee and a salad.

Surrounding this story is, well, the detail that makes the meaning.

Someone was so busy or so distracted that time passed without speaking or asking for pause.

No breath was taken, no thought process allowed.

So fast, so furious it could be “just another day”.

This will not happen often, preferably not again.

It’s easy when you know how.

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