"Wisdom and inspiration: thought provoking, humourous, delightful, guru-like, quirky, energizing, enabling, challenging, alerting, awakening….the way individuals, teams and groups start every day as a Great Day" – The Replies Book

Hunting trophies and fallen leaves we saw the desert and that everyone still believes.

It’s science, it’s fact, we may review it and it may change but for now we know the truth we should use and everything else is abuse.Hunting trophies and fallen leaves we saw the desert and that everyone still believes.

It’s science, it’s fact, we may review it and it may change but for now we know the truth we should use and everything else is abuse.

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Drift west and then south

Hot pavement and sliced chilies.

We took a walk together and wished forever.

Perhaps it will be.

It sure will!

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A time to move, a time to stand still

Not too much mustard, not too much excitement,

Go to the bank, improve your rank, nothing would have needed a crank.

Internal trumpets played, young fickle fine fettle feet danced, and since I saw you we chose to adopt romance.

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In the evening there was celebration.

The aroma of fine food, grilled fresh vegetables and several tasty dishes to keep them company.

A symphony of compatible delights.

After the dawn there was a fried egg, a pastry and superb coffee.

But you know, it’s not all about food.

It’s about the gathering together with and around food.

C’est la vie!

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Drastic and Fantastic.

A wonderful way to start the day, before cartwheeling out of bed.

What could it be?

Don’t ask me.


Then find a view even for a moment, anything will do, even a neatly painted garage door is good.

Then know that you can do anything you want to change the world around you for the better.

How far around you is up to you I think.

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