"Wisdom and inspiration: thought provoking, humourous, delightful, guru-like, quirky, energizing, enabling, challenging, alerting, awakening….the way individuals, teams and groups start every day as a Great Day" – The Replies Book

Let’s get together for a system update.

What is it or why?

Are we living optimally – which can mean as quietly and calmly or as noisily and wildly as possible?

Is there a better version?

Sounds good.

But not too often!

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Crossing the desert.

Armed with a washing machine and a dryer, they crossed the whole Wantilly Desert.

It took almost three weeks, they never ran out of clean clothes.

Early pioneers like these set the pace for future explorers.

Importantly, they also took many containers of water with – using the washing machine required this.

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Try a new recipe. Often.

If you are inspired you will sometimes see ways governments can improve, or at least improve services they provide.

They need to change. To modernize. To innovate. To re-imagine. To…imagine!

So if you throw a bit of variety and originality into your kitchen, it is but a stepping stone – when thousands around the country do the same thing – to creating a (shock) wave that moves governments and nations.

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Originally she didn’t like those in between times, all ready to go, but waiting to leave.

She learnt that the “amuse bouches” given between courses at luncheons of style, were really there to fill these gaps – specially if no-one was talking.

For only five thousand dollars excluding accommodation, they offered a weekend group course teaching allegedly, how to cope with these pauses in progress.

For her, fortune struck when one day she felt a longing for these moments and saw them as special prizes in between planned activity and all the rest of the hustle and bustle.

Far more rewarding than that pricey weekend could have ever been.

Now it’s the pause that refreshes.

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Hibiscus corners with aromatic curves.

The car was known for its high performance.

We were neither disappointed nor surprised.

What was new?

The color, the comfort and the astonishing admiration from pedestrians.

Yes! Even in this “car is a sin ” era!

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